Recruitment Process Outsourcing is defined as the outsourcing of specific and discrete recruitment processes. ALTECiSyS implements the following Recruitment Process Outsourcing life cycle:
Candidate SearchWe conduct research and understand your company, job openings and industry; and then we design and implement candidate sourcing strategy for proactive and online sourcing that fits your needs and current requirements.
Candidate ScreeningCandidate screening process at ALTECiSyS includes active and passive headhunting, referral handling, candidate tracking, placement and staffing agency coordination, market intelligence gathering and building recruiter domain knowledge and screening tools. The recruiters at ALTECiSyS aims at gaining valuable insight into candidate personalities and aptitude. It requires specialists trained to conduct psychometric and aptitude testing, comprehension testing, verifying capacity and problem-solving, inspiration and motivation metrics, helping the organization ensure a glove-fit for the respective job positions.

At ALTECiSyS, we maintain Resume Database of all candidates. The Resume Database helps us in: Keyword Search, Skills and Experience based Search and Advance Search, Contacting and communicating with candidates through phone calls and e-mails, Short-listing candidates based on technical skills, location, relevant to job role, industry and rates, and Conducting technical skill interviews, and Negotiating pay rates based on respective industry standards and your pay scales.
Background VerificationThe recruiters at ALTECiSyS will contact the reference person mentioned by the candidate, it can either be sending an email with questions to be answered or the same can be asked over the phone. We can tie up third-party background verification agencies based on your specific needs. The complete verification report will be provided to you upon completion of the verification process.
Scheduling InterviewsWe develop interview questions that are unique to your particular company, the position and the hiring manager's needs; interview and rank candidates based on agreed upon interview criteria; manage interview logistics and schedule for interviews.
SelectionThe selection process at ALTECiSyS involves picking up candidates who have successfully completed interview process, database updating, compliance checking, logistics support, and offer/rejection letter composition. While the hiring decision remains an internal one, we provide support to your HR managers in a variety of ways to speed the hiring process and fill up the positions vacant.
Negotiations and OfferWe manage, facilitate and record all hiring communications with finally selected candidates, including offer letters, negotiations and acceptance and finally close the positions by sending offer/rejection mailers to the agreed candidates.
On-boardingThrough the On-boarding process, ALTECiSyS provides you with employee orientation, employee record creation and data porting, and on-site and off-site logistics support. A broadened scope enables you to transfer many traditional internal on-boarding activities to us, further reducing total cycle time.